Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Break!!

Well, first of all, my spring break was great!  I went to Missouri and Kentucky to visit friends and family.  I had a blast and was a little sad to have to come back to AZ, but I'm done being sad and I'm ready to get this semester finished up.  

Ironically, this blog post is not about my spring break, but rather I'm writing about Deer Valley School District spring break.  "Why?" you may ask...well...let me tell you!  DV High School is just down the street from FRAC (my internship site) so many of their students visit us on a regular basis.  Since it was spring break last week, we had LOTS of kids roaming FRAC all week.  As one might expect, the kids tend to sleep in and then make their way to the fitness center sometime after noon.  Most of the ones who came last week were boys coming to play basketball in the gym.  Others hung out in the activity room and lobby. Occasionally, some end up "hanging out" behind the center and we have to go crash their kissy kissy party!  

The great part about this week is I got to see the full-time coordinators and programmers sharing the increased need for facility supervision.  Everybody was sharing time in the different programming areas making sure people were following the rules and being safe.  It's a good reminder that no matter how big your job is, if you work at a rec center, at some point in time, you'll end up in the gym yelling at people to stop hanging on the rim.  Honestly, I think the coordinators and programmers like to get out of the office and mix up their day a bit. 

Another great thing about spring break week was that I got meet employees from other Glendale P&R sites who came in to help manage the crowds.  While we worked together, I learned about their sites and programs.  There's some pretty cool stuff going on in Glendale Parks and Rec!  

Overall, I'd say it was a great week!  :)

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